Why assessing inner software quality is bad for decision-makers (and why customers don’t care anyway…).
Cheatbook: groupby
With groupby, you can group data in a DataFrame and apply calculations on those groups in various ways. This Cheatbook (Cheatsheet + Notebook) introduces you to the core functionality of pandas’ groupby function.
Blog post about Defect Analysis using pandas
I wrote a blog post about Defect Analysis, a analysis technique to get insights into how buggy your system might be.
Software Analytics Workshops 2021
Finally, I had the opportunity to dig into my existing material about data-driven software analysis and created a workshop with two days full of content and exercises. Join me if you want to learn how you can use tools and techniques from data science and graph analysis to analyze your specific challenges in software development in a data-driven way!
Discreet Assistance in Jupyter Notebook
In this blog post, I present an idea for remote workshops, which make strong, interactive use of Jupyter Notebooks to teach content: let’s call it for now “discreet assistance”.